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    Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams

    1. A couple non-lucid dreams but then DREAM CONTROL

      by , 11-03-2014 at 05:14 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I don't remember much from the first dream I can remember from last night. I do remember being at a museum where supposedly the first "selfie" from the year 1010 could be found. It wasn't taken with a camera, of course, and it was actually a complete accident. Apparently a family had gone skydiving and the imprint from where their faces had hit the ground became fossilized, so this "selfie" was just a fossilized impression of people's faces. I was disappointed when I saw it, though. It was just a chalk outline of where the people had fallen, and someone had actually drawn these people on the piece of rock, which I thought was kind of wrong because it was in a cartoonish style and therefore inaccurate.

      After that, I recall talking with some guy about Cruisin' USA (an old N64 racing game I used to have; I eventually traded it in a few years ago because, every time nostalgia told me to play that game, I was let down by the awful graphics and the cars' terrible handling). We then heard music from that game coming from somewhere nearby, so we started wandering around the floor of my residence hall trying to figure out which room someone was playing it in.

      I woke up from that and had another strange dream when I went back to sleep. My parents were both visiting me at college, and I recommended that they see the Rocky Horror Show (my school's theater production this semester). I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard it's awesome. At some point, I remember noticing that my parents had left, so I started looking for them to see if they were still around. I ran out through the back door (I was in my house now for some reason - technically my old house, but my family just moved this summer, and I've hardly spent any time in the new house because I left for college a few days after we moved and have only been home for one weekend since). When I didn't see my parents there, I ran out the front door and saw my mom's car still in the driveway... packed full of my fraternity Brothers. That was confusing at first, but then they all shouted, "Thank you for helping your mother!" It turned out my mom was in the car too and had recruited them all to say that for some reason.

      I woke up again but went back to sleep again. In this next dream, there was a floor event in my residence hall. I saw Jackie, one of my fraternity Brothers (we refer to everyone as a Brother regardless of gender), which surprised me because I didn't know she lived on my floor or even in my building (in reality, she does not). Anyway, the "event" was that everyone would be given a big crossword puzzle to take with them and do throughout the day, and whoever finished it first could return it to get a prize.

      For some reason, at some point, we ended up outside by a road intersection off-campus. I decided to leave early and return to campus, which is when things started getting strange. By the time I was back on campus, I found it really hard to walk forward. There was some slight wind at the time, so I thought that could be attributed to the wind, but the wind didn't seem strong enough to interfere with walking. I thought it was strange, but I saw that everyone else was affected in the same way, so I figured it was probably just the wind after all.

      When I got back to my dorm, I realized I'd forgotten to take a crossword puzzle from the event, so I decided to text Jackie to ask her if she could bring one back for me, but I didn't have her number, and I didn't know who else I could ask. I also remember getting a bunch of texts from my boyfriend throughout this dream and the last that I felt kind of bad about not having the time to reply to.

      The dream suddenly because a Sims 3 game, and, since time can be sped up in the game, I accidentally fast-forwarded time (on the fastest setting) to a couple hours later before finally pausing it. I knew for sure now that I wouldn't be able to ask Jackie to get me a crossword puzzle because there's no way that "event" would still be going on. I also felt bad about not replying to my boyfriend's texts now that even more time had passed.

      I realized after awhile that something didn't look quite right about the game interface, though I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was that was different. I did an RC when I noticed that and counted six fingers. I was dreaming! I counted again just to make sure. Seven fingers. Definitely dreaming! Instead of being all clueless as usual when I become lucid, I said out loud, "Now, this is where the fun begins."

      Since I had no plan for the dream, I ran around, looking for something fun to do in a dream (I was no longer playing Sims anymore). I found a buffet table. I could eat! No, no, that's something I can do while I'm awake. Then, I spotted an empty glass and an empty silver pitcher on the table and decided now it was time to learn to exert some control over the dream. I decided that, if I poured the "empty" pitcher into the cup, I'd be pouring a drink out of it instead of nothing. I decided it'd be "something like eggnog" (the first thing that came to mind), but not quite the same, because why drink something in a dream I can drink in real life? The drink that came out was white and a little thick, but it didn't taste at all like eggnog. It was creamy, though, and kind of sweet, and... fizzy? I was actually surprised when I tasted something that was slightly fizzy because I wasn't expecting that.

      I realized while I was drinking it that I was wearing my retainer, and my reaction to that was my one fatal mistake. I decided I should take my retainer out, but, instead of doing something quick like tossing it on the floor (who cares what happens to it if it's a dream and not real life?), I decided to find the case for it and put it back in its case. That was my big mistake because everything went dark, so I realized I was waking up because this had torn me away from what was keeping me occupied. Once I started to feel myself lying in bed, I knew that was it. I opened my eyes, disappointed I'd caused myself to wake up because of something so silly but also proud of myself for having had some control over not just myself but the dream environment itself.

      I did one final RC just to ensure I was awake. Five fingers. I counted again. Five fingers again. Yep, definitely awake this time.

      Updated 11-03-2014 at 05:26 PM by 56426 (fixed typos)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    2. Stairs

      by , 10-13-2012 at 03:37 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I had a dream last night about playing Sims 3. For some reason, the game was able to fast-forward really far (not fast-forward as in the highest speed; it actually skipped a whole ton of days). After it fast-forwarded, one of my Sims was old, and there was this random ghost woman going around turning everyone into ghosts.

      One other Sim asked, "What happened to my Alex?!" (referring to the one who was now old). I (as in my Simself) just hugged her, glad that she was okay and not old and/or a ghost.

      In the next dream, I was in this building with some girl, and we had to find this old guy who reminded me of Walt Disney for some reason. We had to go all the way downstairs, probably down to the bottom floor. We ended up going down many, MANY flights of stairs, and I woke up before we even got close to the bottom.

      I woke up from that dream but soon fell asleep again. I had to go to the Girl Scout store with Cherise, a leader I kind of know from a troop in our service unit. She didn't look the same as she does IWL, though. Instead of going to the newer store, we went to the older one, which is further away (I've only been to the new one a couple times, so my subconscious probably picked the other one because it's more familiar).

      We had to hurry to get there before it closed, because it apparently closed at 6 PM, and it was almost 6 when we pulled into the parking lot. When we went inside, I remember thinking about the previous two dreams and what I would write in my dream journal. Oh, also, when we got inside, we had to climb a bunch of stairs to get to the shop (the Girl Scout shop isn't the only thing in that building IWL, but it's on the first floor, so I'm not sure why we had to go up stairs in the dream).

      I think it's kind of funny how I have a dream about going down stairs followed by a dream about going up stairs.
    3. In which Beth almost accidentally sets a truck driver on fire

      by , 10-07-2012 at 01:40 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was in this computer game. I'm not sure how I knew, but I just knew that I was in a game. All the areas were based on personality types. The main area was for ENTJs. Since I have an INTJ personality, I looked for the INTJ area and quickly found it.

      The next thing I remember, I was playing Sims 3. It was the day of the prom at the high school, and my Sims were attending. There was a full moon that night, though, and I was afraid the school might get overrun by zombies (with the Supernatural expansion pack, zombies can appear when there's a full moon, but I'm pretty sure they can't get into buildings).

      I soon ended up back in what I think was the first game. This time, though, I was in this dark, basement-like area. At one point, Kayleigh, my tulpa (essentially a sentient imaginary friend imposed on reality - yes, this is relevant to the dream) appeared and wanted to lead, so I let her.

      We ended up in this room with a huge pool. There were a lot of people there; there was some sort of pool party or something going on. I don't remember much of the next part, but I do remember what happened a bit later on. Still in the pool (which was shallow enough to stand in, at least where I was standing), a little girl said to me, "I want you to bring her again," referring to Kayleigh. Then she added, "Maybe we'll all make them, and they can have their own pool party." I'm not sure exactly who she meant by "them", but she was referring to either tulpae or simply imaginary friends. I have a feeling it was the latter.

      After that, I woke up, but I went back to sleep soon after.

      In the second dream, I was running a race. I was near the finish when the dream began. Just after I crossed the finish line, I was suddenly in a mansion. I was upstairs and trying to find a way downstairs. For some reason, a little kid was following me (not the girl from last time, though - this was a boy). I found the stairs and headed downstairs, but, when we got to the bottom of the stairs, we couldn't go anywhere because there were trucks in the way. They weren't just pick-up trucks; they were big semi-trailer trucks. Why there were several trucks in the middle of a mansion, I have no idea.

      Anyway, I was about to head back upstairs and look for another way down when one of the truck drivers offered to move his truck. Somehow, the boy and I ended up in the truck. The driver parked the truck in a parking lot somewhere. Getting out was a challenge, though. The cab was very high up, and there were supposed to be steps that would extend down.

      Now, this is where it gets ten times as bizarre. To get the "steps", I had to unfold them, and they were made of this thin, filmy, papery substance. I had to somehow unfold that and actually walk down them. I'd nearly got the steps completely unfolded when the truck driver said there was no light at the bottom of the steps, so he struck a match and attempted to drop it on the bottom of the unfortunately flammable-looking steps. I pulled the steps back up to get them out of the way, but he kept trying to throw lit matches at the steps.

      The fourth match he threw actually hit the steps, setting them on fire. I threw them out of the truck, accidentally hitting the truck driver and setting his shirt on fire. Not knowing what to do, I panicked and woke up almost instantly.
    4. So Close

      by , 08-02-2012 at 09:53 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I can remember three dreams from last night. In the first, I was playing Sims 3. My Sim (a woman, by the way) was trapped in one room of the house. There were no doors in the room she was in (for those who don't know, the game has a top-down view, so I could see her and everything perfectly fine). Suddenly, I was given the option to allow her to fly so she could get out of the room she was trapped in. I clicked "No", but she started flying anyway, so I tried to quit the game. For some reason, there was no option to quit without saving, but I really did NOT want to save.

      I can barely remember the next dream. I remember going up into this treehouse where there were these ghost girls. There were three, I think. It seemed totally normal at the time.

      In the third dream, I was at home. My mom told me it was almost time for bed. I reminded her that I'd only just gotten up. She informed me that I'd gone back to bed. I figured out that that must have meant I'd slept all day long, though I didn't even remember going to bed. Then, she said something weird.

      "That's just a typical schooler day; if you were very hungry, you don't remember anything," she told me. I still wasn't convinced I'd lost my memory of the entire day. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:45 (presumably PM). I somehow also inferred that it was April 12, which was (apparently) yesterday's date! I'd somehow jumped back in time! Well, that, or... I could be dreaming...

      As soon as I started to suspect it was a dream, I woke up, unfortunately.
    5. Sims 3

      by , 07-31-2012 at 10:07 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I could remember five dreams when I woke up this morning. Five! That's got to be a new record for me!

      Anyway, I'm not going to bother writing down all five... if I can even remember them anymore. I'm just going with the one I remember best.

      I was playing The Sims 3. I had a pregnant Sim waiting to go up the Duquesne Incline. I was trying to get her husband to come; he was at home, hosting a pool party. I was trying to figure out how to get all the guests to leave so he could go meet his wife. Suddenly, she went into labour. I tried selecting the husband and then clicking on her to get the option for him to take her to the hospital, but that option didn't appear.